Pengurusan Perijinan Kantor Perwakilan / Representative Office
Penjelasan khusus
Representative Office

Setting up a representative office is faster than setting up a foreignowned company.
Setting up representative office contains 4 step :

  1. need 3-5 working days to BKPM aproval (SP BKPM).
  2. need 3-5 working days to domicile letter (Surat Domisili).
  3. need 3-5 working days to tax registry (NPWP).
  4. need 14-21 working days to company registry (TDP).
The process contains 4 steps and majority of the time will go togetting the representative office to the company registry (TDP).

We suggest you plan your representative office at least 1.5-2 months inadvance in order to make sure it will be registered on time.

Requirement :
  1. Letter of appointment from the parent company.
  2. Power of Attorney to sign the application if the participant isrepresented by another party.
  3. Articles of Association of the parent company and any amendment(s).
  4. Copy of valid passport (for foreigner) or copy of identificationcard number (for Indonesia) who will be proposed as a RepresentativeExecutive.
  5. Letter of statement concerning the willingness to stay, and onlywork in the position as the Representative Office Executive withoutdoing other business in Indonesia.
Total Fees :

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